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42 Traverse closes early for 2017

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:36 pm
by PeterVahry
DoC have advised that weather damage has made a section of the 42 Travese unsafe for 4x4's and have closed it for the winter.

"After the heavy rain over the past week some subsidence has occurred on the 42 Traverse. It looks like potentially an old log culvert that has collapsed or rotted away. The track is no longer passable by larger 4WD vehicle, but still passable by walkers/cyclists/quad bikes. The track drops away down a steep bank on the other side so re-routing the track isn’t an option, this issue wont be fixed in the remaining 2 weeks of the 4WD season. As it’s the roar and lots of people about we have marked the area off and put up signs at either entrance to the track. We will also add to the DOC website and Facebook"