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Postby SV1K » Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:10 am


The thread "who to contact" was removed due to the name calling and the way that people were indirectly attacking other people on this forum. I will not stand for that kind of behavior and others don't need to see it either.

If you need to know the guidelines for this site, please read them HERE

For those of you that have ordered stickers, please PM me and I will arrange to have them sorted out. I will need to check to make sure that you have paid though first, because we all know that people want things for free, hell who doesn't!

Once I have confirmed your purchase, I will then arrange to have the sticker/s sent to you, (will also need your postal address).

Take note that this will be addressed with Mike when he returns from overseas.

People are feeling that they have been wrong done by, this is not for me to comment on and it is not for others to jump in and start plastering the forums with, yeah sort this out, and, oh don't be a dick as such.

Remember that this site is for us to share the knowledge we have of 4 wheel driving and the technical aspect of the sport as well as sharing the knowledge of "How did you do that?"

Please remember that a builders house is never finished, a panel beaters car has the most dents, a electricians house wil have extra wires hanging around and a 4 wheel driver will always improve his 4 wheel drive.

I await your PM's.


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