Post whoring

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Post by DieselBoy »

mroffroader wrote:
spankmeister wrote:I think Mike, maybe you should just remove post counts, and expand the decriptors further, so we just get to see the members name, and then Bush Crasher etc.

I agree 100%

spankmeister wrote:Maybe you could police things further, and ban people for 2 to 3 weeks at a time as punishment? Bags be on the jury :sniper: let me at em!!

Umm.....don't you think this is a bit harsh? seems more people here are more concerned with thread jacking rather than actual thread post counts.

If you get rid of the thread post counter we don't have a problem as people won't make multiple thread posts anymore becuase there is nothing to prove???

The main problem has seemed to THREAD JACK this very thread and it's thread jacking :roll: off-topic drivel if not for tech posts it's for the off-topic section and people just need to remember that, sure every once and awhile people will thread jack by accident but that happens and we just need to get over it.

Here is a perfect example, my suzuki build up: ... sc&start=0

That was a purely tech thread and a good one for new vitara owners to look at to modd cheaply there vitara, it was ruined by drivel. Maybe mike can you make my LR modding thread an off-topic thread??? I fear the same is happening to that one to :shock: could you also go through it and delete any bull shit posts??? like ones talking about insurance etc :roll: ... 34&start=0

If people continously thread jack thread they need to have a PM sent to them by Mike warning them and the next time they will have there membership suspended for a period of time??? maybe a week??

my 0.00002 cents :?

Going through every post deleting stuff is alot of work. Its also open to interpretation as to what is actually off topic. It would be simpler if people exercised a little common sense and refrained from doing it.

You LR thread for example, the insurence stuff is ok in my opinion. But if somone jumped in on the thread and was asking you where good places to go 4wheeling in Welly are and started organising a trip, that would be thread jacking.

Post whoring is exactly the example Hiriklux posted up for us. That just plain pisses everyone off and makes you look like a twat :roll: :roll:
lax2wlg wrote:Is that like saying 'she's hot, for a crackwhore??
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Post by Steve_t647 »

When I was first on here the site was a lot better behaved, maybe everyone sould take a little more care. :)

The numbers are nothing the quality of the information and opinions you see and read is what we are all after.

Mike doesn't need to do anything but the ORE community need's to sort out its own shit and settle down a little.

Come on everyone you have read this thread now lets put it into practice. As Steve (Supralux) said Pirate 4x4 is self regulating why cant we! :?
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Post by SupraLux »

spankmeister wrote:Maybe you could police things further, and ban people for 2 to 3 weeks at a time as punishment? Bags be on the jury :sniper: let me at em!!

On Pirate thats called "Joining the Band" (ie: you get banned for two weeks for inappropriate behaviour)

Mr Pirate (Lance) probably makes enough from the Priate 4x4 forums to call it his full time job... You guys are all too tight, so Mike works for me, and damned if I'm gonna let him spend all day spankin' your asses for wasting his (and therefor my) time...

Its simple... self police... if someone does something stupid on here and I see it, then you all know I'll let them know. If more people become belligerent uncompromising assholes like me then Mike can go about his work without having to worry about being a policeman as well... :)

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Post by Mark »

Ok, so the post whoring thing has kind of been sorted. Everyone has been warned... do it again and you'll get slapped down by the community. Persist and the community will request that you get banned, either temporarily or permanently. Leave the counters as they are because at the end of the day they don't mean shit.

The same applies for dribbling shit into technical discussions or planning threads, etc. Those with verbal diarrohea (and some are worse than others) need to be careful not to push the people with huge amounts of experience and technical skills off the site because they have limited time to wade through the irrelevant posts to give the rest of us help and advice.

I think that it's good that you bought this subject up Mike. It has now brought the issue to peoples attention and now that they realise that the rest of the "community" is not that appreciative of good threads getting cut off at the knees they will perhaps think twice about posting a smiley face or two word post as if they were having a face to face conversation. Taunting and joking is fine, but just be careful not to create pages of posts for the sake of it.

Someone else stated it above, but whenever the Wellington people try to organise a trip it ends up at 9 pages before anyone has even committed to going. Whenever I have organised something I have to make sure that each time a new page rolls over that I repost the details of the event because otherwise you have to reverse through 3 pages of taunting and joking to find out when it's actually on.

Anyway, rant over... shoot me down in flames if you want but I think a few people are starting to feel the same way. Keep posting because ORE is one of the best communities on the web, just try and make sure that we keep as many people as possible online.

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Post by DaveM »

DieselBoy wrote:Post whoring is exactly the example Hiriklux posted up for us. That just plain pisses everyone off and makes you look like a twat :roll: :roll:

With comments like that, maybe you're better off in Hamilton :roll:

If I post a thread, and people make light hearted comments in there, I couldn't care less, as long as they don't go overboard.

Yes, it can go overboard, and its been brought to our attention, but theres no need to go around saying members look like twats from their posts, I'm sure you have looked like that on occassions, but people refrain from saying it.
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Post by DieselBoy »

DaveM wrote:
DieselBoy wrote:Post whoring is exactly the example Hiriklux posted up for us. That just plain pisses everyone off and makes you look like a twat :roll: :roll:

With comments like that, maybe you're better off in Hamilton :roll:

If I post a thread, and people make light hearted comments in there, I couldn't care less, as long as they don't go overboard.

Yes, it can go overboard, and its been brought to our attention, but theres no need to go around saying members look like twats from their posts, I'm sure you have looked like that on occassions, but people refrain from saying it.

:lol: :lol: Steady on there Dave!!!!!!!

I interpreted Riks post as him showing the definition between whoring and Hijacking as was being asked about earlier in the thread.

You look like a post whoring twat if you do this sorta shit:


And Riks example in this thread of what we are complaining about:


You would agree with that wouldn't Dave?? That pages of good posts get taken up with that sorta post whoring crap and the tech stuff gets lost??

Well thats what we a talkin bout here. Not postin up funny shit for people to have a laugh, thats fine in my book, bring it on :P :P
lax2wlg wrote:Is that like saying 'she's hot, for a crackwhore??
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Post by Goose »


Steady on there fella's...

Sounds like someone (or two) could use a cuddle :D

come on now, lets all have a little cuddle and stop being Mr Meany Angry Pants :twisted:

Why cant we just all get along....... :cry:
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Post by DaveM »

My point is,most people have posted crap on here, but there's no need to start calling people twats

Yes, some may see the funnier side of the posts from Tu, as there seemed to be a lighter side of the post whoring when it was first brought up, but lets leave the name calling for the school ground.

There is a difference between pages of crap, and targeting individuals for having a bit of fun, even if not evryone finds it funny.

I'll leave it there, before I start more pages of crap.
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Post by DieselBoy »

:lol: I still think your missing the point :P

I hope others aren't aswell????

In my opinion, i think people that post whore or hijack are just cawk smokers lookin for attention. Its unecessary. I think it makes the post whorer/hijacker look like a twat.

So what.

No need to get all jumpy on my ass :lol:
lax2wlg wrote:Is that like saying 'she's hot, for a crackwhore??
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Post by lilpigzuk »

All Im reading is Image

I think everyone has got the point that Mike stated, ohhhh let me see....3 pages back :roll:
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Post by hiriklux »

is it a northern thing sense of humour failure :lol: ive got broad shoulders dave i can take the shite handed out in here im sure mike will have seen the funny side lol as for db calm down dude your gonna blow somthing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


but yeh theres alot of shite posted on here and we do have a chat room go talk it there instead of posting it

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Post by lilpigzuk »

hiriklux wrote:is it a northern thing sense of humour failure :lol: ive got broad shoulders dave i can take the shite handed out in here im sure mike will have seen the funny side lol as for db calm down dude your gonna blow somthing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


but yeh theres alot of shite posted on here and we do have a chat room go talk it there instead of posting it


dont worry Rik, us northerners are laughing, I think its the wellingtonians we have too worry about Image :lol:

My last post for the thread incase I get accused of post whoring :oops:
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Post by turoa »

Heres my 2c

Post whoring can be funny sometimes, but most of the time not. I think the post count should stay (but if you are found post whoring twice within a certain amount of time, halve the count). If they go, add more "stages" of membership. I.e begginer, strop man etc

Last thing id like to say before I stop posting in this thread, is to get the politics OUT of the main forums. If you have a problem with a member, PM them directly rather than wasting the admin/moderators time.

As I once read in Jeremy Clarksons book Life is offensive, so stop complaining

Edit - BTW, I thought I was being funny with my post whoring :?
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Post by Ryan »

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Post by DieselBoy »

lilpigzuk wrote:
hiriklux wrote:is it a northern thing sense of humour failure :lol: ive got broad shoulders dave i can take the shite handed out in here im sure mike will have seen the funny side lol as for db calm down dude your gonna blow somthing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


but yeh theres alot of shite posted on here and we do have a chat room go talk it there instead of posting it


dont worry Rik, us northerners are laughing, I think its the wellingtonians we have too worry about Image :lol:

My last post for the thread incase I get accused of post whoring :oops:

Bwahahaha, man i must come across as a grumpy c##t :lol: :lol:
lax2wlg wrote:Is that like saying 'she's hot, for a crackwhore??
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Post by wopass »

lilpigzuk wrote:All Im reading is Image

I think everyone has got the point that Mike stated, ohhhh let me see....3 pages back :roll:

Bwahahahhahah.... love the emote ! and so perfect for the topic cos all i read is Image
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Post by SupraLux »

DieselBoy wrote:Bwahahaha, man i must come across as a grumpy c##t :lol: :lol:

Hahaha... and I always thought of you and DaveM as two of the more sensible level-headed members on the board... damn, if you're a grump c**t then what does that make me?!?! 8)

I think this thread has done its work... time to let it die...
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Post by De-Ranged »

I think this thread has done its work... time to let it die...

But it hasn't done anything :lol: !! it han't sorted out anything other than give those that like to type an escuse to type :flower: :jocolor:

sorry I've been watching this off and on and :lol: :roll: :lol:

Cheers Reece
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Post by wopass »

SupraLux wrote:
DieselBoy wrote:Bwahahaha, man i must come across as a grumpy c##t :lol: :lol:

Hahaha... and I always thought of you and DaveM as two of the more sensible level-headed members on the board... damn, if you're a grump c**t then what does that make me?!?! 8)

I think this thread has done its work... time to let it die...

i think pete meant to say hes a frumpy chump..... :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by DaveM »

SupraLux wrote:Hahaha... and I always thought of you and DaveM as two of the more sensible level-headed members on the board... damn, if you're a grump c**t then what does that make me?!?! 8)

Sensible!? since when?
Just caught me on a bad day, and there was no one else at home to abuse :roll:
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Re: Post whoring

Post by Sadam_Husain »

I know a lot of people go through the honeymoon period and cant help themselves from whoring and posting every 5 minutes when they join the site but they typically settle down after a couple of months and end up becoming good site contributers

But why the fark do you get the odd one that just posts dribble and shit post after post thread after thread and dosent know when the fark to fark up, I know I can post a bit of dribble and shit as good as anyone else but shit its in balance and context with all the rest of the constructive posts :x

Why the fark dont they get it that their dribble starts wearing thin and ya just want to climb down the computer and farken strangle them?
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Re: Post whoring

Post by 007 »

Did not know there was a post count. Is it important does it matter.

I have sometimes looked at the newbe and hard yaker label.

Don't know if discouraging people from posting is a good idea.
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Re: Post whoring

Post by Sadam_Husain »

007 wrote:Did not know there was a post count. Is it important does it matter.

I have sometimes looked at the newbe and hard yaker label.

Don't know if discouraging people from posting is a good idea.

take the time to read the thread before posting and you might get an idea about what post whorings about? :roll:
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Re: Post whoring

Post by vinceparts »

goes something like this, 264!
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Re: Post whoring

Post by 007 »

Sadam_Husain wrote:
007 wrote:Did not know there was a post count. Is it important does it matter.

I have sometimes looked at the newbe and hard yaker label.

Don't know if discouraging people from posting is a good idea.

take the time to read the thread before posting and you might get an idea about what post whorings about? :roll:

Thanks for your reply. Sorry if it was post whoring?

I really get it.
The title is post whoring, there are many opinion's related to what is the cause. That is what makes an open forum so interesting. like many, my response is related to some of the thred,s I have read above within the post. I guess after reading 4 pages the original post gets muddled.

So after your statement I re read the topic, which is more of a statement, so what you are saying is everybody that has replied to this thred, is post whoring. I don't get it.

May be the mediators could often make thred's with concerns that may have, to teach us.

Or mediators could keep thred's in line with subject

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