B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

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B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

Yes indeedy-do. Picked up a new project today.
Doesn't need much doing to it, just a tidy up. The previous owner is kindly providing all interior parts so I can restore it to it's former glory.

Question is, restore, resto-mod, modify???

Will mull that over whilst I have a good play with it for a bit.
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by bigstu »

Retore it if you can, not many mint ones around, they roll easy my son found that out couple months back
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

bigstu wrote: they roll easy my son found that out couple months back
Ouch! Hope he was alright. Heartbreaking for the truck. Can't imagine those fiberglass roofs hold much....then again, boats are strong :D

The more I research and uncover, some parts are like hens teeth to find. Thinking of a resto-mod. Full restore but with some added comforts of a modern vehicle. Will see how it goes.

First thing, sort the brakes out and a bit of rust. Plus work out how it goes into 4Low. Seems a little odd.
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by bigstu »

Where abouts are you, hes cutting cab down and putting engine gearbox and cutdown cab on an 80 series chassis, so has factory rollbar, diffs etc forsale soon, rear diff is a rare disc brake one he spent $1100 on just before he crashed, also has ironman lift springs and just put in new efs shocks and rebushed pined and shackled front and back.
Also rear panels etc available to chop for rust cuts
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by bigstu »

If u have manual hubs on it u still have to push the two buttons to right of steering wheel, then just the low high lever auto may need to be in neutral
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

bigstu wrote:Where abouts are you
I'm Welly based. Sounds like a treasure trove of goodies that I need to visit :D
bigstu wrote:If u have manual hubs on it u still have to push the two buttons to right of steering wheel, then just the low high lever auto may need to be in neutral
Yeah I've got manual hubs and it's a manual. Engaged the hubs, depress the H4 button and the 4wd light pops up on the dash. But getting it into Low4 with the gear lever it a bitch. I have it in neutral, even hold the clutch in. Move selector from H2 to N, but won't go into L4.
Must admit, I haven't had a real good look at the linkage etc, but thought it would be the way I'm holding my tongue. Will do some more searching of the web.

Ha!! Had the same problem when I bought my first 80. Might just be the combo of settings and in the right order.
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

First things first though. Clean up the PAJ, sell it off to fund the 70

https://www.offroadexpress.kiwi/Forums/ ... 18&t=47655
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

Ideas, ideas....

I'm exploring the feasibility of some design ideas for the 70 and wondered if anyone knew how integral the FRP top is to the structure of the vehicle.

I'm assuming because it's removable, you can actual drive around with no FRP top here in NZ....legally?

If so, my next stage of investigation is separating the FRP into 2 halves. So I'll end up with a wellside ute with fully enclosed cab. Then use the remaining FRP top for a canopy. Little bit like the back half of an old Bronco...
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

Here's what I'm aiming for.....
Rear doors and FRP can be removed.
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

So a mate had some fibreglass flares lying around that he didn't want and so ummmming and arrrrrring if they would look like a good addition....
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by bigstu »

Definitly go the flares coloured coded they look great
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

Ok, so time to get serious on this project. Starting with a full inspection of the good, the bad and to horrific.

Thankfully nothing too horrific that can't be easily fixed. Mainly rust, but that's fairly easy to cut out and replace.

One thing I definitely cannot fix is the rooted FRP canopy window frame. One is completely stuffed, the other looks ok. Will need to look for another one.
Full naked photo shoot here:

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/11mncb3t ... dh2zw&dl=0

A few samples of the fun times ahead....

Should be able to save the door
Peek-a-boo, I see you massive hole
One of the rear quarters will need some love
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

In no particular order...thought I would tackle the seating arrangement. The existing is something to be amazed at. Something that old hill Billy Bob would even roll in his grave at.
I have a fresh set of original seats, but also some reclining bucket seats designed for a 2 door vehicle. Having a play around with the mounting and might just go with the buckets.
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

Ok, right, that's it, sort my shit out, on with the show.

Right so I have finally made a start. First things first see if it worth putting back on the road.

Some more inspiration...
First off, the brakes are stuffed. Normal 70s thing. So time for an inspection. We'll hello, hello... I would say the brake cylinder has been leaking and has eaten the meat off the shoes. Other side isn't too back, but a full rebuild is in order.
I suspect it might also be an axle seal leaking, so have whipped those out and had a inspection of the diff as well. Oil is pretty clean. Little to now metal fillings on the drain plug magnet and no chips or wear. So I'm happy with that.
Taken off the brake backing plates and stripped everything back.
Ordered some new cylinders, shoes and seals. Time for a clean, paint and reassembly.

What else, we'll I scored some battery trays, so have rewired and mounted the batteries where they should be. In the engine bay and not in the passenger side foot well.
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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

Well that is much better.
Completely stripped down, repainted. New shoes, brake cylinders, axle seals.

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Re: B.J. And The Bear (70 Series)

Post by fullthrottle »

Righto, now for a front end refurb.
There is a fair bit of diff oil that's been leaking and upon draining the diff also a bit of water. Oil level was also low.

Leaking out from the hubs and swivel housing, so looks like a rebuild. If anyone has any seal kits knocking around, let me know.

Will pull it all apart and inspect everything to see what other surprises are in store.

One good thing, is that the underside, chassis and running gear is pretty sound. Only some light surface rust here and there to clean up. Will tackle the entire underside once I'm happy it can drive sagely.
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