Definitely keep the site. Please..
So many helpful people on this site willing to go above and beyond to provide info. ie take photos and measurements of parts they first have to remove off their vehicle, just to give you an answer.
I'm occasionally on NZHondas also, and while it's a slick site, the content is such garbage. There's only a few guys that know anything, and the rest talk utter s**t.
ORE can be proud of
most of it's content.
I do have a few suggestions however;
1) If possible, improve the search engine (or instructions! maybe it's me..) because I often don't find what I'm after then sometimes get flamed for re-posting stuff that's already out there. I always search on multiple word combinations, not just one attempt.
2) Create 'model' sub categories under vehicle 'brands'. eg, Nissan -> Patrol..
3) Tweak the titles of the current categories - "diesel engines and modifications" could be changed to imply it's
generic mods that apply to all/most diesels.
4) Maybe... Allow a duplicate thread function...

Say I had a mod to discuss that involved my Nissan diesel, but thought the info would be useful to others in the non brand specific category, I could post in both (or automatically link it or something?). Naturally I'll post in Nissan, as I'll get the most relevant replies from guys with same vehicle/engine, but others (non Nissan browsers) may miss out unless they do the search that happens to show up info.
5) Ruthless moderators! Too much crap gets allowed.
Users need to take ownership and report abuse - can't expect moderators to read every post.
6) Add a
'Report Banter' button

too many people start their own personal conversations with in-jokes in threads. Dilutes the good tech content and makes long reading. Come on guys - move it to an 'off-topic' thread.
7) Sticky more useful threads, but edit out the crap/banter/unanswered questions.
Happy to become moderator, but with a new baby and house reno going on, can't give it the time it deserves at the moment.